Holly Barcus
Holly Barcus, DeWitt Wallace Professor of Geography at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Her research interests reside at the intersection of migration, ethnicity and rural peripheries with her primary research areas including Mongolia and remote regions of the United States. Her core research is situated in western Mongolia amongst the Kazakh population considering questions of place identity, ethnicity, environment, and changing migration trajectories. Additionally, she works rural regions of the United States, including Appalachia, the Great Plains and the Great Lakes. She holds degrees from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Kansas State University and The Australian National University. She currently serves as the Chair of the History Department at Macalester College and Vice President & Treasurer of the Executive Committee of the International Geographical Union (IGU).
My primary research interests center on migration and rural change, including the implications for communities and for migrants, the intersection of ethnicity, identity and imaginations of home and place.