Associate Professor
Minghai Fu
Associate Professor Minghai Fu received his PhD in Nutrition physiology from the University of Queensland Australia on October 2017. He is the recipient of UQ International Scholarship. From September to December 2015, he conducted his PhD project at INRA France. After obtaining the PhD degree, he joined Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities and is appointed as the deputy director of the National Medical Product Administration Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Control; the director of Mongolian Medicine Research Centre; Deputy chair of World Federation of Chinese Medicine-Mongolian Medicine Branch. He leads a research team with a focus on nutritional and pharmacological research of traditional medicine and has attracted more than 4.5 million Yuan in research funding since 2017. He has authored over 70 refereed papers (in English, Chinese and Mongolian languages), 5 books, 15 patent applications, 2 nutraceutical products development, and has been guest speaker to over 30 international or domestic scientific conferences. From March 2022, he has been appointed as Hainan top talent (D level) in Hainan Medical University.
Nutritional and pharmacological research of traditional medicine.